About Us

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We are a diaspora led organisation with membership of over 500 Zambians and friends of Zambia.

Our organisation was formed in 2004 and operated as Scotland Zambia Association (SCOZAA).  Our initial focus was providing a platform for Zambians and Friends of Zambia to interact as well as reduce social isolation.

Following a consultation we undertook in 2017 to understand the needs of our community and our future direction, there was overwhelming support for our organisation to take a more formal approach to work here in Scotland and in Zambia.  We therefore become a Scottish registered charity (SCO47771) in October 2017 under the name of Scotland Zambia Partnership.

The main aim of SCOZAP is to reduce social inequalities and improve people’s life chances in Scotland and Zambia.

This is achieved through the following objectives:

  • To encourage active participation and community involvement as a way of reducing social exclusion.
  • To facilitate a friendly and open minded environment that fosters cultural exchanges as a way of promoting an appreciation and understanding of many diverse cultures in Scotland.
  • To actively promote Health and wellbeing through sports and recreation activities particularly amongst those that do not normally engage.
  • Contributing and supporting Scottish organisations that promote sustainable development in Zambia.
  • Work in partnership with other organisations that work towards alleviation and eradication of poverty particularly in Scotland and Zambia.

Our organisation aims to contribute to the fight against poverty, inequality, injustice, and to promote sustainable development via the mechanism of the UN Global Goals.